The Tingens


Setting the Honduras booth

Last night we went to the Festival de las Naciones, one of the Spanish branch’s biggest activities of the year. Since the members of the branch are from so many different countries, they all love to have this activity where each country sets up a booth lining the walls of the gym, and they bring food, decorations, traditional dress, everything. They even have a talent show of performances from different countries. We had a blast and a half taking it all in and trying the food.

Jacob checking out the Argentine food
Jacob checking out the Argentine food

Jacob was asked to be a judge so he actually got to try every single dish that was out there (although he said he would have enjoyed eating a lot of the food he likes instead of a little of the foods he might like or dislike).

Colombia!! (This guy is "rad" as Jacob would say)
Colombia!! (This guy is "rad" as Jacob would say)

The performances were super fun. Some of them weren’t highly coordinated, like the one with people up there just holding their country’s flag and dancing and singing randomly to a lively music video that they didn’t know all the words to. But they were having so much fun that it was fun to watch them anyway 🙂

President and Sister Castaños--Dominican Republic
President and Sister Castaños--Dominican Republic

The branch president and his wife got up and did a dance for the Dominican Republic. They are the awesomest couple! He is very quiet and reserved and she is full of non stop energy, both complete opposites. But they are so strong in the gospel and so sweet. It was cute to see them dancing.

President Castaños playing dominoes
President Castaños playing dominoes

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