The Tingens

Pro bono immigration clinic

Monday night Tonya and I went to the Hispanic chamber of commerce. Now, why would we do that? Well, this law firm in town provides lawyers, and school and community try to rustle up some translators, and all of us, with our combined forces help Hispanic people legally immigrate to the good ‘ol USA.

We’ve learned a lot about the different ways we can help people become legal, how hard it is to become legal, and the different challenges people may face with the risk of deportation, separation of families, etc. It can be heartbreaking. But even though things can be hard for a lot of people here illegally, one man put it best when asked why he was in america: “better life.”

I’m sure we’re all aware of all the many different problems we face now as americans and globally. Things aren’t too hot, but compared to a lot of places–most places–the USA is still a really great place.

As far as interpretation (that’s where we came in), it was a lot of fun. Tonya is an amazing interpreter/translator. I had never seen her work before, and I’ve got to say, I was very impressed. There was another mormon guy who had learned spanish on the mission and this other girl from the lawschool who spoke well for the experience she has. But Tonya knocked everybody’s socks off (Tonya says Actually, everyone’s socks were still on, but it definitely felt good to be doing what I love to do again). We’re hoping the experience with the pro bono stuff might eventually lead to a job. We’ll see.

2 Responses

  1. Sounds fun! Translation is tough work. I really stunk at it on my mission. Not something that I would be willing to volunteer for any time soon. I hope, for you sakes that it might turn into a job. It’s the best doing something you love!

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