The Tingens

Random tidbits

I wrote a list of random things I wanted to share on the blog.

Youth temple trip

july-september 2009 080Last Saturday we went with the youth of the branch to the temple. We couldn’t believe how many young men there were–there must have been at least 20, and that wasn’t even all of them. Two out of five young women came. Jacob and I were helpers for the youth leaders; Jacob was with other priesthood holders to help in the ordinances, and I helped two other hermanas with towels and things. Even though we didn’t participate in the ordinances ourselves, it was still very nice to be in the temple and feel the peace that is there.

Old journals

I’ve been applying for jobs as you all know, and part of the process includes giving information about my past work history. Some of the details I can’t remember so I’ve gone back to old journals to find some of them…and I’ve gotten carried away sometimes reading what I wrote. What a fascinating experience! It’s interesting to see how you change and how you stay tjuly-september 2009 083he same over the years. I was reading a journal from when I was 19–I’d just finished my freshman year at BYU and had gone home to my family in Virginia for the summer. The experience was in many ways similar to ours now: moved to a new place, not knowing many people, not having a job. Of course, back then I was only looking for a summer job, but still.

The funniest thing was the writing style; apparently I’d just read Jane Eyre again (my favorite book), and Charlotte Bronte’s writing style definitely leaked into my own.

The point is, if you want a fun different experience for the day, go back and read your old journals, if you have them.

Lives of the Apostles

Last Monday for FHE I had planned to talk about emergency preparedness in continuation from Jacob’s lesson the week before. My opener was to read the section “Follow the Prophet” in ch 4 of Preach My Gospel. However, when we were reading it, I had the thought that Conference was coming up and instead directed the lesson towards that, asking the question How can we prepare for Conference this time around?

One thing we came up with was to read about the members of the First Presidency and the Twelve from the Ensign articles written about them when they’re called.

What a great experience! I have been very inspired reading about the Brethren and recommend to anyone to read their stories. A consistent theme that stands out is how optimistic and full of faith they are. It’s easy to get into bummer mode about life and little things, but the prophets and apostles are such a great example of how to stay bright despite it all.

Spanish Bible

All I have to say about this is, IT’S OUT! Finally, the LDS edition of the Spanish Bible, complete with JST, footnotes, headers, etc, is published!

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