The Tingens

Baby Names

So, it snowed here again, and because they don’t clean the roads in Richmond, life doesn’t just slow down–it stops.

For those of you who don’t know, one of Tonya’s favorite pastimes is coming up with lists.

And of her favorite kinds of lists, she loves to come up with baby names. So here is the list of baby names we came up with today. By posting them on the blog (family!!!) it means we are calling dibs. These are our baby names, mwahahahahahahahaha!!! We really do like these names, and tonya even looked up their meanings. So, here goes:

Christopher John Tingen

Ammon Jerome Tingen

Eli Thomas Tingen

Tyrus Maximus Tingen

Natalie Ruth Tingen

Grace Ann Tingen

Jacob Nephi Tingen II (if we have a 7th son, the 7th son of a 7th son is supposed to be lucky, so he’ll have the same incredibly lucky name–after all, I am married to Tonya)

Olivia Rose Tingen

You can find the meaning of the names at

8 Responses

  1. Ooh, calling dibs, huh? I don’t think you have full dibs until the babies arrive. 🙂 Don’t worry, there’s only a couple we would consider for our own kids… Brent wants to name a kid Octavius; he and Tyrus Maximus are going to be best buds. Nice 7th son reference.

  2. So, are you planning on 8 kids, 5 boys, 3 girls? Pregnant with octuplets or something?

    Enjoy the snow. Believe it or not, I kinda miss it… just a bit. 🙂

  3. Oh, just realized. I already called dibs on Ann, but it’ll be a middle name too. It’s David’s mom’s middle name.

  4. I am now henceforth going to reference this post every single time Shea mentions to someone, or just to me, that I like to think of baby names and talk about it. For some reason he thinks that other people DON’T do this and that I’m weird, even though we know full well that other couples do. (I’m convinced that all of them do, because it’s normal, even though Shea doesn’t think so.) So, thank you for the written documentation of my side of the case 🙂

  5. Tonya and Jacob, you’re worrying me. Honestly, what do you think we assume when you post something like this? But I can’t assume anything because we did this all the time as kids. Frustrating. I don’t remember Tyrus being on the list though. Hope things are going well. Have fun in the snow!

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