The Tingens

Being stranded on a lonely road

This last week I volunteered to help out interpreting at the Bon Secours table at a job fair geared towards the Hispanic community. I also had the brilliant idea that I could look around for other job opportunities for myself as well, since I find myself asking myself at least once a week why I am ever in my job in the first place.

Unfortunately I waited until Saturday morning, the day of the event, to update my resume, and that kind of stressed me out. Then I started thinking about actually having to talk to people again about myself and how companies should want me, and the idea freaked me out more and more, because you know what, I’ve found that I despise looking for jobs. I despise having to sell myself and I despise big corporations and all the hoops you have to jump through and all the people you have to talk to. So I started talking myself out of looking for a job, with the added argument that it wouldn’t look good if I as a representative of a company went out looking for another job. But I still brought my resumes.

So I was super stressed as I sped away to get there in time. The thing was downtown somewhere and after I got off the freeway I had to loop around on a couple random deserted side streets in order to get going in the right direction on the right road. And then, right as I was turning left on one of the random side roads, the car died. Just stopped working. At first I thought it ran out of gas, which I thought was ironic since I was practically almost there. But when I turned the key again to start the engine, I noticed the gas gauge was half full.

It just wouldn’t start up again. But I was so relieved! I was just so glad I wouldn’t have to go to the job fair after all.

Since the car was in the middle of the road I had to get out and push it off to the side in my high heels. Long story short, I waited in 100 degrees until Jacob came, he tried to start the car, opened the hood and said “Work!” and after that the car worked fine. I drove to the fair late with Jacob following behind, I stayed at the table a bit (the flow of people had slowed since it was so scorching hot outside), then we left and the car drove perfectly fine all the way home.

Heavenly Father knew I needed to just stop and take a breather and chill out, and I guess the best way to make that happen was to kill the car, at least temporarily.

5 Responses

  1. What a strange adventure. I definitely agree that looking for jobs is the worst! I’m so happy that I don’t have to do that again for awhile.

  2. You have the best way of looking at things. Why didn’t we have Jacob tell our A/C to work before we left? 🙂

  3. I second Jenny’s comment – that would have made the drive way cooler. On a more serious note, wow. Glad to hear you survived the events!

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