The Tingens

FHE and the Rest of the Utah Trip

So this is post is going to be backwards cause we’re going to talk about today first, and then cover the rest of the Utah trip. First of all, at FHE Tonya had prepared the coolest lesson. We read out of Preach My Gospel in chapter 2 where it talks about studying more effectively. Tonya had realized that almost ever sentence had a kind of “commandment/promise” sequence. For example, if you study you will have the spirit. We made a list of things we can do in our study–both personal and together–and then the promised blessings. It was pretty cool and I asked if I could hang it up on the wall in front of my desk. I’m so happy to be married to such an insightful person.

Then came the FHE activity. This is a trick I learned from my brother Warren and his wife Micah. She has been in girl scouts forever and apparently they did this with the girl scout thin mint cookies, but we did it with grasshopper cookies tonight. It’s a five step process.

Step One

Choose a cookie

Step Two

Bit off one end of the cookie

Step Three

Bite off a piece from the opposite end of the cookie

Step Four

Suck milk through the cookie and use it like a straw

Step Five

Eat cookie. Try it and let us know what you think.

The rest of the Utah Pictures

11 Responses

  1. Great pictures! It was fun to live through your pictures. I get to go visit Utah next month. 🙂 Congrats to Heidi!

  2. 1. We need to get together again soon. 2) Thank you for documenting my daughter’s life in pictures for me. 3) Tonya, what kind of camera do you have? 4) You have the best FHEs. 5) Love the new blog layout. 6) Jacob, how’s the internship? 7) Love you guys. 8) Don’t have an 8th but couldn’t leave it at 7… 🙂

  3. I’ve never tried that cookie thing, but I’ve always wanted to. So, was it yummy? Love all the pictures, as always!

  4. I think my favorite caption was “Utah! People working together…” hahaha… reminds me of 5th grade.

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