The Tingens


I just wanted everyone to know that I saw my first fireflies of the season this evening! I was very excited. I haven’t seen fireflies in years! I just went on a quick evening walk around the neighborhood and there they were, blinking away every few moments. I tried to document them with my camera phone so everyone could relish the experience as well, but after about 30 seconds I gave up so sorry, there’s no pictures.

While I was on the walk I realized that neighborhoods you don’t know strike fear more easily than neighborhoods you do know, which got me thinking to how nice Utah neighborhoods are because since your neighborhood is your ward and since you probably know a lot of the ward members, then you probably know a lot of the neighborhood people as well, which makes it less scary to walk around the neighborhood at dusk.

That reminds me of something my friend Michelle said when we were talking about her neighborhood in North Carolina and one particular neighbor who likes to get to know everybody: Getting to know your neighbors is more than just a show of friendliness, it’s also a safety precaution. Makes sense to me.

6 Responses

  1. Hey Tonya, it’s definitely true that a neighborhood feels safer when you know them. I’m glad you got to see the fireflies. I think I saw them once or twice while I was out there. They are so cool looking. I’m sure excited to come back again. We’ll have to party and I’ll come help you explore Virginia.

  2. Fireflies are awesome! I haven’t seen any yet this season, probably because I’m afraid to walk around our neighborhood at dusk. 🙂

  3. I love fireflies! Thanks for sharing. Good idea on getting to know neighbors in the day to increase safety in the evening (and other times). It’s probably much easier where you’re at than in the heart of a big city.

    Tasers are small and light, too:-)

  4. We caught a firefly this weekend! It was amazing to watch this little bug glow on demand. I wish my stomach glowed like that. Julia was pretty impressed too. I bet she’d have a blast with a glowing belly.

  5. Your title was so deceptive! I was expecting to read about something dramatic, not about a nice evening stroll with glowing bugs. It was lovely though. I do miss fireflies. The image of Julia with a glowing belly sounds pretty cool too.

    I would probably be too chicken to walk around the neighborhood by myself. But it does put a damper on getting outside…

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