The Tingens

Happenings in a one-chair study

I always enjoy reading other people’s blogs. As it happens, most of the ones I read are a collection of child stories, which of course we can’t contribute to at this point…

But wait a minute, we’re just a couple of grown up kids ourselves! Our whole blog is a kid blog after all! As proof, an event from last week:

Background–we have two desks in our study but only one chair, which isn’t really a problem because neither of us study in the room at the same time. The other day I was in decorating/organizing/house-making mode (Jacob will tell you about those), and I was thinking out loud,

“Hmm, maybe we should try getting another chair. But then again, neither of us are ever in the same room at the same time–”

Jacob burst out laughing at the thought, and said “Haha wouldn’t it be funny if we were never in the same room at the same time? Haha!” At which point began a great game of not-being-in-the-same-room-at-the-same-time.

He ran into the bedroom, I ran after, he paused exclaiming, “Oh no! Not at the same time!”

He ran back into the study, I ran after, he paused exclaiming, “Oh no!”

He ran ran into the living room, I ran after, he ran into the bedroom, I ran after, he ran into the study, I ran after, and the whole time we were laughing up a storm so amused with ourselves and our silly game.

I’m so glad I’m married to Jacob!

6 Responses

  1. We also only have one chair and two desks in our study! About a month ago Calvin decided that he gets his own, grown=up, chair for meals, (he picks a different place to sit each time, and sometimes more than one at a time,) so my desk chair had to rejoin its dining room table family. We’re not usually in the room at the same time either, (except right now!) but Shea does need to readjust the height when he sits down 🙂 We don’t run around the house chasing after each other though. Usually we’re both chasing after Calvin!

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