The Tingens

It’s a girl!

Here are the pictures we know you’ve been waiting for.

10 Responses

  1. Congrats!!! I’m so happy for you two! Happy feet!! 🙂 I was trying to find your address to send you a Christmas card. I thought I saw a post that had it but I can’t seem to find it. Would you e-mail it to me? Thanks! And congratulations again!!

  2. That is so cool that we can see Natalie now.So Awesome, fantastic, stupendous.
    I really like the face side profiles and the foot! I will get the package for her in the mail on Monday. So exciting so send for you. Enjoy!

  3. Congratulations! I thought you were having a boy, (I think because you had so many boy names picked out.) I also read the excerpt on the home page as “This is Natalie Yawning (Tingen.)” For a split second I was wondering what language “Yawning” was and why you would pick it as a middle name, but fortunately I then realized the words were just smooshed together. We’re excited for you, it’s just around the corner!!!!!!!!

  4. Very cool!! Thanks for sharing. I wish we had some pictures like that for each of the kids. Alas. When Natalie is posting pictures of your grandkids, it will probably be in 3D:-)

  5. She is going to have such a cute face. Her slightly turned up nose is adorable! Eric says that she won’t look like that when she comes out, but I’d like to think that she will. What is she is really a he?

  6. eek! I hit submit instead of backspace (the computer tipped). Mostly I was just on the train of thought where you show Natalie these posts sometime when she is older and she says “you thought I’d be a boy!”. Or if you really had a boy and he says “You knew I was going to be a boy but then you started calling me Natalie…”

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