The Tingens

Valentine’s. Whytes. Baptism.

Hey all, you’re getting last weeks post today. Sorry about not updating, but last sunday we had the most incredibly busy day, and you’re about to find out why.

But before that, let’s cover the valentine’s day celebration at our branch on the 12th. They had this super awesome party that the activities committee in our branch cooked up. For those who don’t know, we go to the spanish branch. Well, they had this “couples only” activity for valentine’s day and it was awesome. Complete with romantic “candle” lit tables arranged in gym in the shape of a heart, food we didn’t have to cook and that the wives didn’t have to bring to the tables–they made the brethren do it. But more than that, just think of the following equation: spanish branch+spanish karaoke=hilarious evening. It was a lot of fun, all the couples had to sing, so we ended up singing “can you feel the love tonight” from the lion king (it was the only english karaoke song they had that we both knew). They also had a sock game (you would probably like it dad [tingen])  and a how well do you know your spouse game.

Phew, that was a lot…

So then on Sunday. Several weeks ago we decided we wanted to meet and greet more people in the branch and so we decided to stand in the doorway to sacrament meeting. Well, while we were saying hello to people, this one american sister came up to us and was all like “Hey, we don’t know you, are you new in the area?” She was the Stake Patriarch’s wife, and without even really knowing us she invited us to dinner, took down our phone number etc. So then later she called us and invited us to dinner at their house. Apparently they regularly invite young couples to their house for dinner on sunday. So we went and there were like 15 couples eating dinner there, and some children to boot. It was a fun time. But then after that…

We went back to church to go to a baptism. We’ve kind of helped out the sister missionaries with this one guy, Jose Luis. We’ve been to a couple of lessons with them and helped them out with teaching. Jose Luis has even come to our apartment for an FHE. He’s a great guy–guess that’s why he decided to get baptized. I had to give a talk, and the lovely tonya had to play piano. She’s so good at that.

Then we finally went home and our night was over. Not.

Jose Luis was taking a friend home (about 30 minutes north of where we live) and he got stuck in the middle of nowhere. He called the sisters, who called us (at 10:20), to see if we could go pick him up. Which we did. I mean, what are you going to do on the guy’s baptism day? Say no? No, you’ll say yes. Especially when you tell him at a talk at his baptism that the members are there to support you. I’d feel really lame if we hadn’t helped. So we went out and picked him up and on the way home he talked about how grateful he was for the church and the gospel. He’s a really converted guy–excited to get the priesthood and help out and everything. so anyway, that’s why sunday was so busy and we didn’t post anything. But now you know.

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