The Tingens


Yesterday we went to Williamsburg. For those who don’t know it’s this historical city/tourist spot where you can learn tons about the American Revolution and colonial times. It’s only about an hour drive east of Richmond. It’s pretty neat, although if we’d realized that Busch Gardens was only 5 minutes away from Williamsburg, we might have gone there instead (haha). Anyway, here are the pictures.

Tonya’s comments: It’s an interesting experience going to a place like Williamsburg. First of all, it reminds me of the hundreds of old historic things my parents aka mom took us to across the US when I was growing up. After awhile all the old houses start looking the same (but thanks anyway, dear Mami, because now we have a lot of unique and family-bondage-time memories!). I’m even sure we must have gone to Williamsburg before, but I’ll be honest I didn’t recognize a single thing yesterday.

The other interesting thing about going to Williamsburg is it made me think of the past. It seems like once you get out of school, it’s easy to forget the past because you don’t have any history classes to take. You have to make a conscious effort by reading historic books or going to historic places. Because in everyday life, you’re thinking about to-do lists, bills, responsibilities, current people and activities. It’s good to reflect on where you yourself have been and also where this country has come from. If there’s anything this country needs, it’s a return to the founding virtues that we’re reminded of at places like Williamsburg. One thing we realized yesterday is that we’re lucky as members of the Church because at least in the Church we hear a lot about our pioneer past. Some of the tour guides introduced their comments by saying, “This may be hard for you to believe…” But it wasn’t that hard for us since we’ve been hearing about the pioneers our whole lives. Anyway…

4 Responses

  1. That looks like exactly the kind of place my family would go on vacation to (except it’s in the East). That’s cool that you live so close to so many historic sites!

  2. Very cool! And yes, Tonya, you have been to Williamsburg:-) I loved the Governor’s mansion–it’s about all that I remember.

  3. TOTALLY AWESOME. Some amazing photo shoots, not like our typical family snapshots. A few more hidden treats to see are the plantations along the James River that are in the Williamsburg area. So much to see and do. And it’s so much better when you have someone to share it with. Enjoy
    Love, Marlene

  4. I thought Williamsburg was cool on my one trip to the east coast at 14. I even have a picture of Dan and me in those same stockades (the crime? probably a sibling vacation squable). Tonya, even if your parents hadn’t confirmed your childhood visit to this place I know my sister would be attracted to a big beautiful historical site such as Williamburg (bug to a zapper- in a good way) so you must have been there 🙂

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