The Tingens


I’m reading an interesting book Jacob got for my birthday called Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (the link is to an article that’s an excerpt from it) about a Chinese-Jewish-American family whose mom is extremely fanatical about having her two daughters be successful, in school, music and everything else. While I admire some of the principles she instills in her daughters, I think she goes way overboard–I mean waaaaay overboard–in many of her tactics.

The mom even admits, “The truth is I’m not good at enjoying life.” I think if this family had the gospel they would lead a much happier and balanced life. But even with the gospel, I often find myself having to reevaluate my priorities to find the appropriate balance in life. I remember the bishop when I was a youth used to have a quote printed in cursive on a blue piece of paper hanging in his office about having a balanced life, and he always used to point it out and say how important it is to achieve balance.

So how do people achieve balance between family, church, work, socializing, the birds, personal goals, and everything else?


ps. below are more pictures

3 Responses

  1. That picture of Natalie’s reaction to solid food is priceless!!!

    And when you figure out the balance question, share!

  2. Love Natalie’s laugh. Your first efforts at eating sollds was fraught with spitting food out! How you managed to come to like squash is beyond me!
    we still have the joke that anytime you girls didn’t like food, or didn’t want to try something new,you would each throw it up on your plate or me. That’s when you were ages 2-6 or so.
    The festival of nations is a fun idea too.

  3. Love the pictures, as always. Achieving balance is a hard one. If you figure it out, let me know! 🙂 How’d the Shadowhero pitch go? Glad Natalie’s starting solids. It’s a fun, messy stage. Daisy isn’t interested yet, so we’re holding off for a bit longer.

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