The Tingens

My Favorite

I had a college roommate once who used to call her secret crushes “The Favorite.”

I kind of picked up on that, referring to a certain someone that my friend Bags and I would see when we would go lift weights once or twice a week at BYU’s Smith Fieldhouse. We always used to ask ourselves why we kept going because we probably spent more energy talking and giggling than actually lifting weights. That was it, actually–the time I spent with her was very enjoyable and I looked forward to it every week, whether or not our muscles benefited from the experience.

Anyway, we certainly didn’t go to pick up guys; I would hardly describe sweaty grunting guys in lopsided BYU-issue clothing as attractive. However, the guy who swiped our cards at the gym entrance became “The Favorite” for quite some time. We would leave the gym giggling about going on a hot date someday with The Favorite.

Thankfully, though, that never worked out. This hot guy I know named Jacob Tingen asked me out on a much better, more favorite hot date and that settled it for me. Five years, a wedding and two moves later, Jacob is still my Favorite in every way!

3 Responses

  1. Yes, you did! That’s a great father’s day moment! Hard to believe it’s been that long already too. ENJOY

  2. Awww. They look so cute together. 🙂
    I’m glad you found such a great permanent “favorite.”

  3. Awwwwwwwwwwwww. That picture makes me speechless. So cute. Tell Natalie to stop growing until we meet her. 🙂

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