The Tingens

Natalie is growing every day

It’s been a couple of weeks since we posted. We’ve had a good time lately with lots of fun and studying. Tonya and Natalie recently took a trip to Philly on a Megabus and let me stay home and write a ridiculously long paper for lawschool. Phew, glad to have that paper over.

And from what I can tell, Tonya and Natalie loved their Philly trip–post on that later.

Anyway, here are some recent pictures of Natalie, her halloween costume, fall leaves for the Utah crowd to enjoy, and other stuff.


4 Responses

  1. She’s a cutie and she’s getting so big too! From the pictures, I gather she’s sitting up pretty well now. It’s crazy how much they learn and grow in so little time!

  2. Oh my gosh!!!! Natalie is growing so much. I’ve been playing her last blog video a few times just to hear her and she’s already grown more.

    And I am really jealous of your leaf carpet.
    I jumped in our leaf pile only once with the neighbor kids before the rain hit and got our leaves!

  3. Brilliant Halloween costume for Natalie.What did you parents dress up as?

    I followed this blog for over a year before Natalie came into the picture. You guys are interesting with or without a baby. (Although I am glad to have another niece.)

    Congrats on finishing the mammoth of a paper!

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