The Tingens

Piano recital

In January or February I set a goal of having a recital before my birthday on August 1, so here it is. [videos coming…]

Disclaimer: this does not represent the 7 months of hard practice I would have liked. Most of these were songs I had dabbled in before but I really wanted to polish and memorize them, but alas that’s not what happened…

Brief history of me and piano: my mom took me through John W. Schaum from when I was 6 to 13, thank you!!! I think I made it to the C or D book, I can’t remember. At 13 I just started trying to learn songs on my own, I guess. My brother learned Moonlight Sonata 3rd mvt, so I wanted to too and that’s the first song I remember really working on, and I played a lot of hymns and other music we had in the house. At some point I heard Claire de Lune for the first time on 7 years in Tibet and just loved it, and my friend played it for her senior recital so I said, I want to learn that! So I worked on it for a long long long time but it was still something I had to get some kinks out even recently (and I still messed up on the video even when I had gotten it before! Grr!). I got a lot of music education from high school band, orchestra, and choir, and I’ve learned quite a lot from teaching beginning piano to people in the branch and neighborhood.

I love music! I love piano! I wish I had 4 hours a day to practice and really play like I want to, but even though I don’t, I still love it.

I took advantage to do the recital on July 30 while we were in Georgia where Jacob’s parents have a baby grand. Thank you so much for letting me use it!!! The keys have very high action that I wasn’t used to so I didn’t get the dynamics range that I like (I’m not such a pro that I can just play like a genius on any piano…) I’m kind of embarrassed to post these because some advanced piano players might see this and I know I have a lot to work on for technique…

But I’m glad I did this because it’s been very instructive for me.


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