The Tingens

Blogs and jobs

Sometimes when I see other friends’ blogs I get all depressed that I’m not doing all the cool things they’re doing, like going on cool outdoor adventures or sewing awesome cardtable tents for their kids. I especially got that feeling before we had kids and I was like, Oh man we’re so out of the children loop!Β Or maybe I might think that one friend writes really well, or another is so funny and I’m like, Why can’t I be like that?

But then I take a step back and think, You know, my life is pretty cool too, just in different ways. If it weren’t for the internet I probably wouldn’t even know about all these details of what people are doing anyway. And also, seeing the cool things people are doing with their lives is a good chance for me to reflect on how I spend my time and ask myself if there are unnecessary things I should take out of my day (but I’m sorry, sleep trumps all!) or if there are better ways I could manage my time to get the most out of it.


Life update on the business side of things: Jacob has started his own firm Good With Laws, PLLC or as of February, and he had his first chance to represent in court today! (At a previous court experience, he didn’t actually get to do anything.) Apparently it went well; how could it not when the judge went off on zombies and vampires after the thing was over? Apparently this judge was pretty hilarious, the client got what she wanted, and traffic wasn’t too bad to and from DC πŸ™‚



4 Responses

  1. I’ve been thinking about you guys for weeks. How are things going? We hope all is well and hope that we can see you guys soon.

  2. That is very cool that Jacob has started his own firm–that in and of itself is pretty adventurous. And, Tonya, whenever I think of you I always think “she is always doing interesting things!” So I think you’re right: it’s just our own perspective comparing what we do to others. Plus, you have a new baby right now and that basically means that you only have time for diaper changes, feedings, and sleep. πŸ™‚

  3. Happy Easter!
    Congrads on Jacob’s new business.
    Yes, having a baby does take a toll on the psyche of feeling worthwhile many times. It is hard not to compare to what others are doing too, especially when you are in the full swing of staying at home for now. I do hope you know how impressed I am at your transition of having two healthy, lovely girls. I have noticed more calmness overall, more patience in teaching Natalie now, and just enjoying Hazel’s growth.
    I appreciate your willingness to put in the time and effort to be a good mom and spouse. Even as the grandma, I still seem to have a real soft spot for making sure that children get raised well by good parents. So, thank you for being you!!!!!

  4. I totally missed this post, but I think the same thing when I read other people’s blogs and reflect the same way on how I spend my time. Unfortunately there are improvements to be made on the latter, but I do wonder how some people do so much and how the rest of there family is effected. Sister Hinckley has a quote I love, I thought there was more to it than this, but this is what I found when I searched for it:
    “We women have a lot to learn about simplifying our lives. We have to decide what is important and then move along at a pace that is comfortable for us. We have to develop the maturity to stop trying to prove something. We have to learn to be content with what we are.”

    And here is another from her, I think you do this so well!
    As you create a home, don’t get distracted with a lot of things that have no meaning for you or your family. Don’t dwell on your failures, but think of your successes. Have joy in your home. Have joy in your children. Have joy in your husband. Be grateful for the journey.”

    Can’t wait to see you guys in a few weeks! We’re so excited!

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