The Tingens

Two kids

I had some trepidations about being able to handle two kids, but things overall are pretty manageable. I love our two girls too much!!!

Two biggest changes for having two kids are:

  1. sleep–what’s that? Everyone always gives the advice to “sleep when the baby sleeps,” but that only works with one child. When you have two, you can’t catch up on sleep any old time the baby is sleeping…you have to wait until baby #1 is asleep, then hope that baby #2 also got the memo to fall asleep at the same time.
  2. going places–getting in and out of the car takes multiple trips, and both girls take up all the space in the shopping cart (unless I get one of the honkin big carts with a car on front where Natalie can sit; pushing that thing is a workout, I discovered this week!)

I get the impression that Natalie is an extrovert, Hazel an introvert. Or at least, Hazel’s more clingy, crying to be held sometimes (I don’t recall Natalie doing that). And while the relatives were in town over Christmas break, Natalie was romping around having such a blast with everyone, no problem being away from parents.

4 Responses

  1. I’m glad that things are going pretty smoothly with two kids so far. That is a little scary to think that sleep is even worse with 2–I thought the first couple months of sleep deprivation with one baby were more than enough! Hazel is so cute. I love her dark hair. And Natalie is getting so grown up! It’s fun to see what she looks like as she gets older.

  2. Oh man, you are so right. I miss my daily naps. It’s amazing how much time it takes to get out the door with two kids! I’ve started going shopping after the kids are in bed because it’s counterproductive to go with them. 🙂

  3. Haha, yeah, I don’t go shopping with them usually, but we were really out of food…And I don’t know if “smoothly” is quite the right word, but at least it’s not “insanely” 🙂

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