The Tingens

Video Blurt

We decided to start posting more videos. Enjoy! (one of Natalie’s favorite words recently is “enjoy!”) Some videos are prompted by, “Oh, Natalie always does this, I want to remember it,” so maybe there won’t be anything in particular that’s like wow, but I know I’ll love to come back in twenty years and see how things were.

Tonya will be adding captions soon!

Newborn Hazel (crazy how quickly they grow out of this phase!)



The first week after Hazel was born, Natalie playing in the leaves. I particularly like :25



Natalie congratulating Hazel



Natalie throwing leaves whee! I love how she has to hold the leaves precisely on the stem



Natalie burping the baby, playing with Hazel, back when she called Hazel “Hayo.” Looking at this now I’m so amazed how much her hair has grown in just these past two months!



First attempt trying to get animals sounds from Natalie



Natalie learning family names before they came in town



Natalie throwing the frisbee with Holly and Julia…hahaha



Natalie taking care of her bear



Haha, she sees the camera and says A! because that’s what Jenny taught us to say for pictures because it makes for a great smile



Natalie saying her name for the first time! Hazel swinging!



Several attempts trying to say animal sounds. Obviously Natalie didn’t want to conform to my timetable of rapidfire questioning before the camera, but oh well! I love how the ugly centipede thing becomes a comb.



Sanowing!) 1,2,3 drop!



Where’s Natalie? Starting 1:10 is Where’s your eyes? etc



Hazel smiling!



Hazel’s tummy time. I’m impressed she wasn’t complaining


4 Responses

  1. Such great clips! I love the one where Natalie is saying hello to “Hayo” on the bed. The animal sounds is another favorite. Impossible to pick among them, though:-)

    thanks for sharing!

  2. Ha, I made it through each of the videos. I can’t believe how much Hazel and Natalie have both changed since some of these videos were made. I love hearing Natalie say her own name for the first time.
    I can’t believe how calm Hazel is there either. Is she still that way? And I love all of her dark hair, wow!
    Natalie has definitely hit her word explosion phase. I like to have you share these moments. Thank you. Nataliedl, liedl, and Hayo. My heart goes pitterpatter when I see Natalie trying to do all of the mama things with a baby and Hazel just taking it all in so patiently. Maybe Hazel will be your patient, thankful child, due to being born on Thanksgiving, heheeeeeeeeeee.
    Such a great family. We get to be the proud, bragging grandparents. Wahoooooooo.

  3. The kids & I watched each one of these and loved them! You have adorable girls. I love how you have so many little animals to teach Natalie the sounds. Her way of burping is hilarious. I also love how she says her name, family members’ names, and what a good big sister she is. Hazel is changing so quickly. I guess babies do that. I wish we lived closer!!!

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