The Tingens

Moving to Spain: Hazel’s Version

So me and my family are moving to Spain for a school year. It’s been 8 years since anyone in my family has made a post. I was about two then so I couldn’t post writing and stuff. I am terrified and sad and excited about the Spain thing. I will miss my friends over here in the US especially my 3 best friends. We were supposed to go on a road trip across the country all the way to California before Spain yesterday but our visas haven’t come yet so we’re probably going to not go on our road trip. Which is sad because we were going to visit my cousins house’s on the way to California. I keep telling my friends at church this will probably be my last time at church here see you in a year and then I come back the next Sunday.

My siblings and I will probably miss the start of school in Spain. We don’t know when our visas will come so we just keep hoping they come in time for school. Though they will probably not. School starts on September sixth I’m pretty sure and I really hope at least one person there will speak English in my class. One of my best friend’s family travels around the world and she told me that when she went to Germany she met someone who knew english and that girl told her that the school she went to they had a mandatory english class. I hope they do that in Spain because I do not know Spanish. Well I know a little bit. Germany is in the same continent as Spain so maybe they do a mandatory english class in Spain. If not I guess it’s fine. I still know some Spanish so I might pick it up quickly in Spain. I also have a fluent accent so that’s good too. I’m going into fifth grade this school year which is sad because at my old school they did a big giant celebration for the fifth grade. Hopefully they do a big celebration for fifth grade there too. So that’s my version of thoughts of going to Spain.

3 Responses

  1. I love your post Hazel!!!!
    It is hard to move away from friends and move to a new place!! If you think of it as going on a big adventure where you will meet new friends, see new sites and cultures, eat amazing food ( Spain has some of the best food 😁) and you will be with your family all together, then it can be easier to get excited and find cool things about Spain!!!! I am excited for your family.
    Papa and I have been to Madrid and that was one of our favorite cities we visited

  2. Wow, Hazel, you are a natural blogger! Thanks for sharing your thoughts about your upcoming adventure. I hope your visas come soon so you can start school on the 6th. I look forward to your future posts! I am excited to hear how things go in Madrid. I bet you will be the top student in your English class:-)

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