The Tingens

I went on a field trip to visit statues around Madrid

On the 20th of February 5th grade had a field trip to visit statues around Madrid. We were split into groups to give a presentation to 5th grade of each statue. The statue names are Pepita Jiménez, Cibeles, Friso biblioteca nacional, Mujer con espejo, Cabeza de Julia, Andromaca, Aurora, and Minerva. My statue was Woman with the mirror or, in Spanish, Mujer con espejo. My favorites are Minerva, Pepita Jiménez and Cabeza de Julia. I like Minerva because it depicts the roman goddess of knowledge and I rally like reading about ancient tings like the Romans and Greeks. I like Pepita Jiménez because I think it looks pretty and I like Cabeza de Julia because there is a statue that looks like it in Virginia. The statue is made by the same person and is called The head of Chloe.

After we finished looking at the statues we went to Retido park. Retido is a giant park that has some lakes and a lot of land and walking paths that go on forever. We had a picnic there and after we finished eating we could play. I spent most of the time with my friend Lola.

In conclusion I thought is was a really fun field trip.

Pictures of the statues:


2 Responses

  1. Hazel, I like your photos from your field trip.! I especially like your comparison of the Chole and Julia statue from Virignia and Madrid. “La muejr con espejo” and “Julia” are very modern, aren’t they? I don’t remember them from my time in Spain. But that was more that 50 years ago!

  2. mujer con espejo is 37 years old and cabeza de julia is 6 years old and head of chloe is 7 years old so you couldn’t have seen them when you were in

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