The Tingens

Shameless Plug Update OR I might have an agent for my book

Hey all. Recently I made a shameless plug about my writing and stuff here on the site. Well, a couple of days ago I sent an e-mail to a book agent about my story. He e-mailed back and has requested my manuscript. So he’ll be reading it and then probably get back to me. So I might have an agent. He hasn’t offered to represent me yet, but I think he just might because my story is about a lot of the things he says he’s looking for in a book. It’s pretty exciting actually, because I’ve read so often in so many different places that:

  1. You never sell/publish your first book
  2. You have to get lots of rejections before somebody even wants to look at your manuscript
  3. You have to publish a short story in a magazine or something first for people to even consider you
  4. You have to practice query letters and get used to being rejected because it takes time to learn to do them right
  5. [Add negative reason of your own that no one will ever publish a book]

So anyway, a few details on the potential agent.

His name is Daniel Lazar and he works at which is the same agency that agents for the twilight books, fablehaven, and eragon. He’s a young guy, might be my age, which i think is cool. We’ll see where it goes, but I’m hopeful he’ll pick up my book and agent it.

And of course I have to thank Tonya for helping me revise my query letter a zillion times and all the support she’s given me while I write random stories that may never see the light of day. She’s awesome and helps me write better. Revising with her is always fun.

4 Responses

  1. That’s AWESOME J! Mom told me that you tweeted that a couple of days ago. Good luck! I hope things work out. By the way, I’m working on reading Wishes. It’s hard to take the time to read at the computer. I really like your revised first part. I think it works great!

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