The Tingens

We Love to See the Temple

Yesterday we went to the temple. Instead of just rushing inside and doing a session and rushing back home, we decided to eat lunch in the shade of the trees over at the chapel and take our time. Of course, we were kind of forced to park over at the chapel beside the temple because the temple parking lot was full.

After lunch we went over to the visitor’s center to watch Joseph Smith: Prophet of the Restoration, which if you haven’t seen it yet, is a really awesome movie.

And then we went into the temple. They were incredibly busy, and both Tonya and I heard stories about how busy the temple used to be back in the day when it first opened. It used to be the temple for everyone east of the Mississippi and included South America in its temple district. We were thinking since the D.C. temple was so busy this past saturday that it must be close to time to get a temple down in Richmond. If only, huh?

Anyway, by the time we got out of the temple and drove home we were too late for the stake activity. But that was okay, we washed dishes, shopped for a few things, but mostly just chilled at home. Have I mentioned yet that I love being married to Tonya? Well, now I have.

As I was looking through our pictures, I found a few more pictures from Philly we never posted. Also, on Friday we went to the Kabab pakistani restaurant and Tonya ordered the goat brains dish. We ate goat brains. As a side story, the only reason we got the goat brains is because the last time we were there we were all like, “We’ll get the goat brains next time.” Then we said the same thing this time, and the waiter was like, “yeah, that’s what everybody says, ‘we’ll get the goat brains next time.'” And then Tonya determined that we shouldn’t hold off something like goat brains. I hesitantly agreed, but I’m glad I did. It really wasn’t that weird, but not really tasty enough for us to try a second time I think.

Anyway, hope everyone is doing swell.

6 Responses

  1. I once had crab brains without realizing it. That’s the last brains I ever want to eat. Unfortunately, I didn’t feel any smarter after eating, either. Guess crabs just aren’t as smart as goats. 🙂

  2. I can’t decide if I’m grossed out or jealous that you ate gross brains. Which is kind of a weird position for me to be in, given that I’m the one usually grossing people out with animal parts …

  3. I can’t decide if I’m grossed out or jealous that you ate gross brains. Which is kind of a weird position for me to be in, given that I’m the one usually grossing people out with animal parts …

  4. Congratulations several friends around here say to both of you on your new bundle of JOY that will come in April! Sorry if we aren’t supposed to tell-Just too excited to keep the news to ourselves! And I can’t believe you can eat goat brains when pregnant, let alone any food. I am so happy you aren’t on your death bed, like someone I know.
    Amazing. Now, I am already looking at the baby aisle again….
    Enjoy all of the food you can, since now it is for two, heheeeeeeeeeee.
    Love, Mama

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